
Brand Cialis is a PDE5 inhibitor that works by enhancing the inflow of blood to the penile area. It is possible due to relaxing of the smooth muscles of the penis and widening of the arteries leading to the genitals. A firm erection can be received only if a man gets sexually stimulated. The effect of the drug is kept for up to 36 hours. Therefore, it is possible to achieve a healthy erection anytime within this timeframe.

Brand Cialis is available in four dosage strengths: 2.5mg and 5mg for daily intake and 10mg and 20mg for on-demand treatment. Men with a regular sexual life can take Brand Cialis on a daily basis. Small doses of the drug will minimize the risks of adverse reactions. Still, the effect of the drug will be strong. On the contrary, those who have sex 2-3 times a week or rarer, should take Brand Cialis only when they plan sexual activity. In the first case, take Brand Cialis 2.5mg or 5mg once a day with a 24-hour gap between the intakes. If used as an on-demand treatment, Brand Cialis should be taken 30-60 minutes before sex. The tablet should be swollen whole and washed down with a glass of water. Don’t chew or crush it. Food doesn’t affect the effect of the drug.

To avoid any serious consequences of hazardous drug interactions, you have to get a doctor’s approval for all the medications you use. Brand Cialis can interact with the following classes of preparations:  Nitrates;
 “Azole” antifungals;
 HIV-protease inhibitors;
 Calcium channel blockers;
 Riociguat;
 Some antibiotics;
 Other PDE5 inhibitors.

About 50% of Brand Cialis users experience at least one unwanted reaction to the drug within a year of intake. However, they are commonly mild and disappear as soon as the effect of the drug wears off. Most frequently reported reactions are as follows:  Facial flushing;  Muscle pain;  Back pain;  Headache;  Flu-like symptoms;  Dyspepsia;  Nausea. In very rare situations dizziness, vomiting, vision disturbances, and heart attack symptoms may occur. Any severe reactions require emergency medical help.


In clinical studies, overdose symptoms appeared to be similar to the common side effects of the drug. Still, their severity may differ. An overdose on Brand Cialis is reason to report to the nearest hospital. Standard supportive measures are enough to overcome the unwanted symptoms.

Missed dose

If you’ve missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember about it and get back to your usual schedule. In case it is almost time for the next pill, skip the missed dose. Take Brand Cialis at the same time each day to help you remember about the tablet.


The medication should be stored at a temperature lower than 30°C. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.


No toxic effect on the human organism has been revealed if Brand Cialis is administered in the recommended doses. Yet, single cases of hepatotoxicity of the preparation have been described. However, the mechanism of the injury is unknown.

Sports Physical Therapy of New York offers cutting edge therapeutic technology with the Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill. This superior technology was originally produced by NASA for training astronauts. Our sports medicine clinic used this anti-gravity technology for specialized treatments including stroke recovery and brain and sports injury therapy.

The Alter-G treadmill’s antigravity design provides mobility and comfort. The user is given specially designed shorts to place on top of their clothing. These antigravity shorts are uniquely designed to zipper into the treadmill’s skirt. An airtight seal is created around the waist of the user. When the air pressure inflates the skirt, the user is fully able to move freely, walk or run normally within the created bubble. The user experiences a decreased gravitational pull, and walking, running and training in this environment is highly beneficial for athletic training and therapeutic applications.

Athletic Training Sports medicine doctors recommend the Alter-G treadmill for use in athletic training. The primary focus of the antigravity treadmill at Sports Physical Therapy of New York is athletic training. Many professional sports teams and athletes have found the antigravity treadmill to be a beneficial training tool.

Athletes experience breaking past prior time restraints. They are able to run for longer stretches of time at excellerated speeds on the Alter-G than are able to on a traditional treadmill. By decreasing the body weight and exercising the cardiovascular system, the runner experiences increasde stamina and decreaed body impact. As a result, athletes are training longer in each session.

Anti-gravity Benefits The anti-gravity benefits provided by the Alter-G have brought therapy and athletic training to new levels of success. The cutting edge technology reduces the user’s body weight twenty percent in one percent increments. The air pressure on the lower extremities remains unnoticeable, as the decreased body weight of eighty percent is experienced. Air pressure simultaneously expands inside the treadmill’s skirt, and the user’s weight decreases. The user is experiencing a weightless sensation, similar to being in water.

The Alter-G treadmill has a basic design like that of a standard treadmill, but the standard and Alter-G similarities end when their abilities to perform are compared. The Alter-G treadmill has a unique surrounding skirt that provides the user with the ability to defy the gravitational pull. The operator uses air pressure to fill the airtight skirt, and a bubble is formulated. The air pressure within this bubble is precisely calibrated by varying degrees, and it resists the weight of the user. The operator uses the digital control panel on the exterior frame to make quick and easy adjustments to the anti-gravity machine’s performance.

Therapeutic Benefits • Helps patients to achieve mobility more quickly in sports injury therapy • Builds muscle tone early in the recuperation process • Lightens the weight on a injured body part • Provides weightless therapy on a repaired or replaced hip, knee or joint • Allows elderly patients greater mobility with less pain • Provides weight loss with less stress to the feet and ankles and knees